Blog Mission

Since the game of netball is a developing sport in Sweden, a lot of comments regarding rules and interpretations arise. Sometimes conflicts occur because there are inconsistencies in the umpiring and players do not know the rules properly. Sometimes the play is slowed down because players do not know correct behaviour. Sometimes people forget what the learned the day before. Sometimes people want to develop and learn more but lack the resources to do so. Consequently there is a need for an easily accessible platform so that questions can be properly answered and revisited. The main goal of this blog is to enhance the knowledge level of netball players.

This blog is also supposed to be a resource for developing as an umpire - the person who controls the game. It will include articles and discussions on different rules and interpretations, as well as practical pointers on what to focus on as an umpire. Information about the community of umpiring, links to other important netball resources and tests will be available. The long term goal is to create a comprehensive resource about the rules of netball and how to use them.

Remember that I do not know everything about netball and therefore I can be wrong occasionally. Please read these pages with the question "is this really correct?" in mind.